Casanova-inspired dredging techniques

Casanova-inspired dredging techniques

Casanova-inspired dredging techniques

Have you always had trouble hitting your target? You’re still losing your way when it comes to declaring your wife to that girl who’s been punching you in the eye for some time? If so, don’t worry. You are not alone in this situation. Although it is quite overwhelming, even the biggest ones have already been there. Indeed, many men do not know how to attract girls or where to begin learning to flirt and seduce. The good news? You can get away with it.

And for that, what better than to follow the advice of an expert in seduction and drag: Casanova. For years and years, women of all generations have always been under the spell of this irresistible man. And that’s not surprising. Having exceptional dredging techniques and an attitude studied in every detail. All the efforts he had to make to be a great icon of the dredge were not in vain. Indeed, even in 2018, many are still inspired by all his experiences, but especially by his well-established techniques.

Basically, all you’ll have to do is learn how Casanova behaved with women and replicate all the actions you deem good for your quest. And you will see that little by little, women will also giggle just by hearing your name. Men, on the other hand, will consider you one of the fiercest competitors on the market. And not to complicate the task, here is an exclusive list of all the tips that this great seducer of the 18th century offers to all the seductive apprentices nowadays.

1- Make it feel special

One of the greatest secrets of seduction is to find a way for the woman to feel special to you. And to do this, you need to put the small dishes in the big ones. For a romantic evening, Casanova rented an elegant five-room apartment. This allowed her to show that she is different from the others and that he goes out of his way to charm her.

From the first appointment, he found out about what she likes and what she wants to do and made sure the program revolves around that. Thanks to all the information gathered, he then programmed an unforgettable day that was able to mix sharing and passion.

In addition to treating her like a queen, he has always made her feel like the most beloved woman in the world. So you don’t always need to spend an astronomical amount of money to make it feel special.  Small, well-placed touches will be more than enough to make it crack.

2- Don’t be too nice… All the time

You know, women like nice men. And I’m not the one who’s going to say otherwise. On the other hand, you have to make sure you don’t overdo it. Do you notice that only the nicest of boys end up in the “friendzone” box? If you don’t want to end up like this, you need to assert yourself and show you that you are not the nicest man in the world.

But how do you do that? For example, stop complimenting him at all times. Do you think she’s very pretty? Keep this to yourself and don’t make tons of it. She needs you quickly, because she locked herself out, without keys? Once it passes, but do not be available all the time (unless it is a real emergency). Remember that you are applying for the future boyfriend’s place, but not the future best friend.

The biggest flirters in the movies are the ones who behave, from time to time, like real bad boys. I am talking about them in this article. And if Casanova is so successful with women, it’s also because he has found the perfect balance between kindness and bad boy attitude.

3- Adopt a positive attitude

One of the most important attitudes you need to have is to be positive and stay positive every time you are with it. And this rule applies both in terms of your emotions and your attitudes in general. How do you want her to love you if you’re always morose and have a hard time being self-confident? This kind of man does not deserve an important place in his life.

Remember, then, that it is by breathing in positivity that girls will be attracted to you and that they will want to be in your circle of knowledge. By bringing positivity into her life, she will feel that everything will become simpler and that happiness is at hand. On this same note, you also need to find a way to keep a good energy level. Women don’t like soft men. Smile, talk, laugh,…

To make the most of this particular trait, you also need to get rid of any negativity towards the rest of this story. If you think you never get her number or make her smile, without even trying, she’ll feel it right away. Of course, self-confidence will play a big role here, but it is well worth it.

4- Always stay in control

Casanova never panics in front of a girl. And even if he does, he doesn’t show it in the open. You need to show women that you are not afraid to talk to them, that you have no apprehensions about them, that you have taken an initiative and that you will make sure that you do not change paths or regret. In short, take control of the situation. Believe it or not, women love men who know what they want and how to get it.

Be careful, this does not mean that you have to control from A to Z what will happen. Whether it’s a first date or a fourth, you should always leave a small piece of award-winning spontaneity on the rest. But it is the attitude you will have in the face of these unforeseen events that will make you a good student of Casanova or not. Whatever happens, don’t be tempted to win panic and always get the upper hand on harmful attitudes.

But if you really want to make an impact on women, you also have to let them, from time to time, make decisions. Some don’t like men who want to control everything on their own. For example, even if you know that this restaurant where you invited her serves the best seafood in the area, don’t impose this choice on her and let her choose what she wants to eat without imposing anything on her.

5- Ask what she thinks

And we are coming to this point. His opinion is as important as yours. In all the discussions you have, always try to find out what she thinks. For example, if you are talking about the latest news stories that have animated the world, let them know your opinion, but also give them time to express themselves on their own.  Women need to be with a man who listens to them and takes their opinions into account.

Although Casanova always knew what to say, he spending a lot of time asking questions and listening carefully. At a time when women were considered inferior to men, such behaviour was very flattering. This is still the case today. By doing this, you show respect to your interlocutor while proving that you are interested in her and what surrounds her as well.

Women don’t always need much attention. They don’t always want a man who gives him luxurious gifts and gives him days in the most expensive or classiest spas. Above all, they want a man who knows how to put it where it needs to be.

6- Do, don’t just think

It is all very well to learn by heart all the seduction lessons of the great Casanova. But do you think that’s enough? Not in the least! You also need to put into practice the knowledge you have acquired. This will show women that you really want to seduce her and that you really like her.

Of course, you should always treat it the right way. It is not enough to just advocate this type of behaviour. Show there too that you have a lot of respect for women and that you care about it. Remember: women only respect and look at men who do the same to them.

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